Process… from the solitude of the studio… energized by joy in the design, the designer and the community of artists around me...

Blog : Imago Dei

As with most artists, I love the aloneness of the studio. That said, I have learned to love my art community—understanding local artists, affirming their work, giving and receiving suggestions, and growing as I allow them into my process.

 In Asian traditions, spirituality and art share a similar and sometimes overlapping space.  The concept of Imago Dei, the belief that mankind’s art naturally unfolds as an imprint of a creator God, motivates and encourages me as I paint.  Because he is a maker, human beings make…

Michael Lane Michael Lane

“No Stopping Place” was created to highlight the joys of a long upward trail. The gold of the pour spoke to me of the riches along the way that balance the weariness of the ascent. Yep, I’m speaking in both physical and spiritual terms. The title comes from the lyrics of an old mountain gospel tune— imagine banjos, a washtub bass and a shrill Appalachian drawl— “there’s no stopping place, no stopping place. Through faith in God, I’m saved by his grace. We must o’rcome ole Sat’n ‘til the end of the race. In this warfare there’s no stopping place.”

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Swamps and Sumi-e

Sumi-e artists throughout history have gained much inspiration and passion by focusing on their individual locales. Famous sites as well as the flora, fauna, and cultural artifacts associated with them are celebrated specifically or as composites from particular areas-- whether that be a Li River karst landscape, a farmer harvesting cabbage, children playing with crickets,  or a path and pilgrims hiking up a mountain.   Imitating them, my artistic vision and journey have led to celebrating local landscapes on the East coast of the United States. To a great degree, this means focusing on marshes or swamps, as they are sometimes referred to; for example, we are home to the Great Dismal swamp in Virginia and Swan Quarter’s Lake Mattamuskeet in North Carolina, places rich in history and folklore.

Some might say asking onlookers to “enjoy” the swamp landscapes might be an uphill battle. For sure, swamps are stereotypically viewed as dangerous, stinky, and evil…sinking sand, as they say. “Drain the swamp,” a familiar phrase these days, carries this negative connotation. That said, marshes, in fact, are the spaces where life begins and is sustained for many creatures. They are buffers that protect where the collision of the energy of the sea and inertia of the land negotiate and balance themselves. Pools and shallows are hiding places being just chaotic and unpredictable enough to level the playing field for prey and predator alike. Many species in the food chain find the key to viability there and some, like the oyster, give back by purifying waters that feed systems at the most basic level.

My opinion is marsh art may have a place in helping us formulate new reasons for environmental conservation. I’ll quote Curtis Badger (Salt Tide, 1993) to respond further: “We’ve been taught in our culture to avoid marshes and swamps…People distrust places where the footing is not always solid and reliable. We like dependability and certainty; we like what to expect when we put our feet down…. Such attitudes, still widely held and perpetuated in our culture, helped to bring about the destruction of hundreds of thousands of acres of marshlands in America in the last century.”

Marshes are the border zone where water batters the land and the things of man, taking back earth to be hidden beneath the flood surge, and it is rain water running away from the higher ground, energetic rivulets returning through creeks back to the ocean. In this way they buffer and protect. Marshes then are not smelly places to be avoided or “filled in” by construction teams, but a complex, and yes, sometimes smelly transitional blessing, a liminal paradox—both opportunity and destruction nest there in the dynamic edge of things.

There is a spirituality to this massive transformative adjustment that happens continuously along our coastal borders. Looking closely at the changeable water’s edge woven tight with cordgrass and cattails, it seems to vibrate as the roots of an old cypress lose their grip and the branches topple over into the flooding creek. This end for the old tree is actually fortuitous. Falling into the water, it may make a new area where the water moves more slowly, creating a shallow and then a new fertile bank that welcomes new seeds, new grasses-- a new edge.

How does this work? Suspended solids in the water fall to the bottom as the waters slow (because of irregularities along the bank) thus forming an eddy, a swirl or bar. The faster moving water nearer to the deeper part of the water course move to the opposite side cutting away at mud and soil. The result is the natural formation of a curve. These “s” curves, where the water finds balance as it flows against one side and then the opposite side of the channel, are the dynamic creek bed, but this meandering form can be an aesthetically pleasing metaphor for the swamp that finds its winding way towards buffering and mediating opposing forces—land and water.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

A Blue Feeling

Recently I have been preparing several paintings for the “In A Blue Mood” show at the Virginia Beach Art Center. The piece with blueberries in a vintage measuring cup highlights country life of by-gone days and a focus on the good things families and communities experienced when living close to the land. As Wendel Berry often has pointed out, big commercially driven farming has dislocated us from the land and distorted understandings of interconnectedness between soil, water, plants, and people. Agricultural accomplishments when exclusively measured by quantitative understandings— volume of crops and reduction in the number of people needed to bring them to market don’t come close to a full description of our current situation. In recent years, something has been gained with increased yields on large farms, but something has been lost as well. “Preserving Blueberries” urges us to be more careful to adopt a viable holistic view of land use.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Thanks Gallery 21

Running August 15-September 18, my exhibit at Gallery 21 in Norfolk, Virginia, was a unique window for viewing 75 paintings that have signposted my path as an artist— all hanging in the same place and time. It felt not so much as a journal describing the past but a map for future. Many, many thanks Jim & Darlene, John, and Susan. Also, many thanks to the Esperat “Band” and those friends and art lovers who showed up at my reception on such a stormy evening.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Strength of Trees

I am drawn to trees not because they provide me with flowers or fruiting branches but because of the stories they tell, in the map of color and crevice at their core, where they attach to earth and water and stone. This is the strength of trees, their firm resolve and their promise of accessibility and flow. The vertical presentation of this abstract celebrates this strength. The horizontal perspective in the second visual below speaks to me about respect and reason for care, for the future and the ways of men among trees.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Conversation Piece “50th HS Reunion”

“50th High School Reunion”


“Sui Han San You” is a traditional sumi-e theme that features three plants that thrive in the winter—bamboo, plum, and pine. This trio symbolizes friendship and its strength and vitality in times of adversity and ultimately, in old age and death.  Traditionally, the composition is usually crucial for achieving a balance between the three as they show up close together in the same painting.

This work, as the title indicates, takes a comic turn from the traditional concept displaying a plum tree that has a strong root system but has grown old and rotund. The spindly arms accent the huge trunk that seems to be missing a top that has perhaps been hit by disease or perhaps blasted by lightening. All that said, the blossoms are beautiful, but just in the wrong place. The pine tree enters from the top in a somewhat aggressive and annoying way perhaps suggesting that it is still the “tallest of the three.” The bamboo on the left, known in its youth for strength and flexibility has grown brittle, and the lichen covering the surface is in a way beautiful but indicates its weakened state. The one precious thing they all do still have is the most important thing--their friendship-- which is indicated by the way they lean into one another, as if taking a selfie.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

8 Sisters

At a bend just near West Neck Marina there’s a spot I call the “8 Sisters” — 36 deg 41’ 36.3’ N / 76 deg 2’ 30.0’ W. I like the place because the root ball of a fallen cypress shows its liminal power to launch new opportunities— for grasses and flowers to inhabit formerly uninhabitable space. The surrounding vertical trees, the other “sisters,” testify to this truth about coastal dynamics.

8 sisters at west neck creek.jpg

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

What’s Next: Pours Up Close

Recently I have been thinking some about my “what’s next” now that Covid and all of its social and emotional restrictiveness seem to be abating. This, somewhat surprisingly, has been a little frustrating partly because new exciting ideas, motivating vistas and guiding vision haven’t just immediately materialized in my old brain. Why? Maybe Covid has made me lazy. During the pandemic, the parameters of my art were narrow and always buffered with abundant excuses for why I wasn’t pushing to envision the future. My inner voice just urged me to hunker down and help myself and others maintain a healthy waiting pattern. In fact, I actually experienced a lot of creative productivity during the pandemic, and fell in love with pours, their spontaneity and emergent quality seemed a perfect metaphorical backdrop for the uncertainties of the pandemic. Also the “sub-creating” and “world making” of landscapes within the movement of the pigments really provided a safe and satisfying flow state in my isolated and secluded studio. Pours became sort of “therapeutic” and addictive, and now I find myself being pulled back into doing more pours (which I love) but find them less compelling, there is a nagging feeling I should be doing something else. “After a Rainy Night” and “Pure Water” are fun pieces that carry the energy expected from an emergent pour but also some of my anxious waiting for newly engineered post-covid vision, my “what’s next”.

“After a Rainy Night”

“After a Rainy Night”

“Pure Water”

“Pure Water”

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

The “Long Version”

On March 11th, I was given an opportunity to explain my artistic journey to Rob and Sandi at the Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library in Virginia Beach. Monthly, they interview and record a local artist for their Youtube “Meet the Artist series.” I dread recordings, visual or audio. They just usually haven’t ended well for me. It always seemed like as soon as the record button was pushed, all of my nervous tics displayed and fanned out like the tail of a peacock, thus obliterating any hope of “coming across right.” However, let me say again, however, this time was different. My messaging wasn’t perfect of course, but somehow Rob and Sandi put me at ease, I got lost in the love of art and explanations flowed for almost an hour. If fact, it is difficult to remember having such a generous audience and space to just walk though the long version of “why art” in my life.

Anyway, my recording will be available on Youtube on April 7th and I welcome you to give it a look and a listen— “Carolina Sumi-e” I’m calling it. A recent painting, “After A Rainy Night,” displays this mix of Carolina coastal sentiments and sumi-e style. The link is

After A Rainy Night final 1.jpg

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Pure Water

It is settled. I confess I’m addicted to what J. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis called “sub-creation,” i.e., artistic “world-making.” Lewis and Tolkien believed they found pleasure in creating their fictional worlds because they were emulating, in some small but significant way, the Designer who made THE world. This pleasure, sometimes also called inspiration, sometimes “flow,” satisfies, like a drink of pure water. It is the feeling of doing what one was made to do and in circling back to beginnings, signals completeness. “Pure Water” accents the worth of the walk up the mountain to get that drink.

Pure Water final final.jpg
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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Morning Meditation

In the same vein as the previous post about the delicacy and vulnerability of beauty, these morning glories are given a hyper-real, almost stone-like presence. Man has planted them but their statement belongs to the Designer.

morning glories website.jpg
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Michael Lane Michael Lane

How Many Petals Have Fallen?

Recently, flowers have been my focus— their beauty, irresistible, undeniable. Let’s face it, everyone on the globe loves a flower. In meditating on why this might be, I have come to believe that one of the reasons their beauty crosses all cultural boundaries is their vulnerability to ruin. Chun Xiao explores this aspect of flowers in the well-known ancient poem, “Spring Dawn.” He is lying awake just before sunrise, and remembering the evening storm, he wonders how many petals have been blown off the flowers in his garden. This thread of thought reminds me of how delicate the balances are in our world. I want to be grateful for this precarious beauty and the One who holds it together. This painting of poppies develops a tension— brilliant color to reveal their delicate nature and an adapted dry brush stroke to accent the stone-like power of their beauty.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Creativity and Surprises

I came to the final steps of mounting this painting of the coastal dunes of Pea Island, NC. I usually mist the paper before applying heat to the silicone film. I have done this many times without a mishap, but this time I was surprised to see large drops of water on the paper. “Not a big problem” — I knew the heat press would make the water evaporate quickly. What I didn’t know was some chemistry was going on between the paper and tiny particles of dried ink that had made their way onto the surface, and when I peeked at my press results, there was a dark blob in the middle of my sandy path. I pressed and pressed and rubbed and pressed, but the blob remained.

It was time for a creative solution that would turn this unsetting surprise into a profitable one. Almost immediately after I opened my mind up to alternatives, I realized I could make footprints in the sandy path, and then I realized that perhaps this trail of footsteps could tell a story about the human impact on coastal environments. Have a look. The trail narrows but doesn’t disappear going past the sign warning against trespassing in the “bird nesting” area. The good news is that the trail of footsteps is wider and stronger as it veers away from the sanctuary. Humans… we are messy and unpredictable but…teachable…

pea island painting website.jpg
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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Designer Dusting

Transitional coastal marshes are a wonderful metaphor depicting the paradoxes of change. Some things of man in the foreground space are temporary, decaying, and collapsing back into the shallows where they will ultimately be forgotten; another eddie in the middle-ground holds a family of ducks serenely oblivious to the outside and just enjoying the moment; the third liminal turn in the creek holds intentional hunters, waiting in the duck blind, decoys deployed. This is the edge where change happens-- it is full of opportunity, it is happy & risky, and… a little sad, all at the same time, and then suddenly, everything is buffered by a “designer”-like dusting of snow that outlines the contours of the spaces.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Quiet Now

Aesthetic and spiritual meditations sometime merge for me. The subject matter of “Quiet Now” and “Captured By Early Snow” accent a generative place of quietness that I need right now— a space for slowing down, shaping what I believe about my center in the designer’s plans and ways. This is like a beautiful yoga posture— stretching yet peaceful…and needed in these trying times of uncertainty, conflict and confusion.

“Captured By Early Snow”

“Captured By Early Snow”

“Quiet Now”

“Quiet Now”

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Fire Storm: Praying for a Change in the Wind

I have a friend who has worked as a firefighter in the seasonal forest fires that have raged out West, he said that the painting reminded him of the feeling he got when he was out there in the woods. His words encouraged me since that is basically what was intended in this work— a feeling, a heavy feeling of discouragement and distrust approaching in multiple layers of smoke and glowing on several fronts, an acrid scent in the air, and all of it waiting and feeding on the wind, its shifting directions and strength… Our communities need a change in the wind, some alternative narratives that do not fan the flames. Let’s ask prayerfully for that.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

“Last Bridge Before Home”

This monoprint pour was one of 6 created for a commission. I chose what I considered the best two and created works for some friends of mine. It is really sweet when paintings can so directly and swiftly find a home…. “Last Bridge Before Home” came as an afterthought while doing some demonstrations with my Marco Polo sumi-e buddies. Slowly it has grown on me— the exquisite feeling of being on the final stretch of road, the familiar path, the last bridge before arriving home. This is common to all of us…”country road take me home” it has been crooned many a time, right? But for me in the midst of all the pandemic upheaval and racial unrest in our communities at this time, this feeling has taken on new meaning. I don’t mind facing problems and trying to find creative responses to crises— this can be engaging and rewarding, and it is especially exhilarating when everyone senses that an answer is around the corner! That said, when long-term uncertainty about a solution settles in and the options and understandings currently being tossed here and there don’t seem promising, this is unsettling, and I find myself longing for crossing that last bridge — the expectation of home and happiness felt at the end of a long journey… I don’t want to lose heart but I do find myself straining toward that final bridge…

“Last Bridge Before Home”

“Last Bridge Before Home”

“Last Bridge Before Home”  (close-up)

“Last Bridge Before Home” (close-up)

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Michael Lane Michael Lane


Landscapes emerging from my pours and suminagoshi methods have become, for some reason, irresistible of late. From the beginning, the uncertainty of a pour and the beautiful “waterfall” opportunities captured me. They may be discovered and developed through creativity that is alert to all possibilities and this process seemed a helpful metaphor for our pandemic climate. However, more recently the focus of the paintings has migrated to the source of the flow— the reservoirs from up and far away that feed our hope. They remind me that when I feel helpless and my energies are spent, blessing comes from someplace my eyes cannot see. Reservoirs of grace and hope.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane


Recently one of my paintings, “Garden Community,” was described as “lyrical,” and since I didn’t know exactly what this meant, I’ve given the adjective some thought. At I found the following description:

“Something that's lyrical is beautifully full of emotion. Don't be surprised if a lyrical passage in the book you're reading makes you cry a little bit. The word lyric, and its connection to the words of a song, provides one hint about the adjective lyrical, which can mean "appropriate for singing." When a movie, book, dance, or work of art gives you the same feeling as the most beautiful music, you can also describe those things as lyrical. The musical connection goes all the way back to the Greek root word, lyra, or lyre.”

Sounds pretty good, but I guess the question is— does it make me want to sing? I’ll include a few close ups of the work below.

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Michael Lane Michael Lane

Compassion In The Storm

tears after storms website small version.jpg

This suminagashi speaks of strength and goodness expressed during these trying times. The face of compassion emerged quickly but it took several days for the strong right arm and hand to appear… to my slow processing brain. Then, Isa. 41:10 came to mind….

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